This is me. This is me happy! A big thank you to
Carol Browne for capturing my happiness, on a happy day of crafty shopping with good friends. I intend on using it for my profile photos and that makes me very happy! I have been looking for the ever elusive profile photo and finding a photo I am happy with has been quite a challenge. A good photographer makes all the difference in the world.
Speaking of happy, since the middle of December I've been reading this book:
The Happiness Project and yes, it also make me happy. The author, Gretchen Rubin, gives her self monthly challenges (resolutions, tis the season) on how to make her life happier. It's been a really fun read with lots of great insights about happiness. I especially love her excitement after she discovers, what she calls, her first splendid truth about happiness:
To be happy I need to think about feeling good,
feeling bad and feeling right,
in an atmosphere of growth.
Perhaps reading this book will make you happy too? After all, they say happiness is contagious! Happy New Year!