Tuesday, February 22, 2011

For your sweet tooth!

I've come to realize I love everyday things reinvented!

Check out this artist: Debra Kallen. I came across her about a year ago and thought her work was just phenomenal! She does jelly beans, coffee beans, chocolate strawberries, chocolates, gum drops, suckers and Swedish fish, plus the prettiest little flowers all made out of glass (some are beads and some are pendents, oh and she's done some that are pens too!). Isn't she brilliant!


I love them all and  I don't think I could pick a favourite. I'd be happy with any one of these lovely treats. (Hint, hint!) I'm assuming my husband reads my blog!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Sweetheart quilts. Happy Valentine's Day!

An ode to Valentine's, the day of  pink, red, flowers, hearts, and every thing sweet! Well, except for maybe the  bow and arrow wielding naked baby image but you get the idea!

Since her sister got one last, a quilt for Cadence.

 Since her sister got one last, a quilt for Cadence.

A quilt for Jen.

 A quilt for Jen, Makenna and Cadence's Mom

A Cheille flower detail on Jen's quilt.

A detail on Jen's quilt, a chenille flower.

Happy Valentine's Day and watch out for those naked babies!