This feels like deja vu... this time last year I was showing a series of drawings at the Abbotsford Art Walk, at the
Serendipi Tea House. Guess what? It's a year later and I am showing a new series of drawings at the Abbotsford Art Walk, at the
Serendipi Tea House!
I thought I'd start off this series with the drawing that was featured at the opening.
Ta Da! It's called "The Secret Stash". I always leave the house with a list of what I need, fabric wise, and always tend find something I just have to have! Which means sometimes I have to sneak a few pieces into the house that weren't on my list (shhh... don't tell my husband, although I think he has his suspicions)!
If you get a chance, pop into Serendipi Tea. It's such a lovely place to spend time with friends and you'll get to see my whole show! If you do pop round be sure to check next door, my good friend
Cynthia is showing at Quilt Essentials.
No worries if you can't make it but be sure to stay tuned as I'll be posting pictures of the whole show over the next couple of days!